What We Do
Olivenhain Municipal Water District is a public agency providing water, wastewater services, recycled water, hydroelectricity, and the operation of Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve.
OMWD maintains a philosophy of a rewarding working environment, high level of customer service, open communication with the public, and a strong financial position. These elements are imperative for achieving long-range infrastructure plans to provide a sustainable water supply for generations to come. Read more…
Board Meetings
Board meeting agendas and packets containing the staff reports are posted online the Friday before each board meeting. View the current board meeting agenda packet and past board meeting archives.
Upcoming Projects & Planning Resources
Water supply shortages, growing communities, and changing water needs together mean that a number of OMWD projects are planned or underway to ensure reliable water service to current and future customers.
OMWD’s Human Resources Department provides a full range of services to employees and the public, including employee and labor relations, employee benefits and compensation, recruitment and selection, …
Elfin Forest
Recreational Reserve
Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve offers approximately 784 acres of preserved open space and 11 miles of hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian trails,
as well as picnic areas and scenic mountain viewing points.