Residential Recycled Water Fill Station

OMWD’s Residential Recycled Water Fill Station is closed.
Thank you for your interest. Please email us for more information.



How to Get Free Recycled Water for Residential Landscaping

Prior to filling up, you must review the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station Program document describing regulations for the use of recycled water. You must also verify that you are an OMWD customer or a customer designee acting on a customer’s behalf, certify that you have reviewed proper recycled water use procedures, and receive an ID card and stickers to be used on any water containers to be used for transporting recycled water. To do so, bring all of the following items with you to the fill station on your first visit. No substitutes will be accepted.

  • A copy/printout of your OMWD billing statement, or written authorization to act as a designee on behalf of an OMWD customer holding a valid fill station user cardcustomer Xue using fill station
  • Valid identification
  • Recycled Water Fill Station User Application and Agreement—Please print and complete prior to arriving at the station. If you are not able to print the form, blank forms are also available at the fill station.
  • Container(s) that you will use to transport recycled water from the fill station. Please note that containers are limited to 300 gallons in size, must have water tight lids, and not leak.

Bring your documentation to the residential fill station during operating hours. The attendant will review your documentation and issue your fill station user card. Fill station user cards are non-transferable.

The attendant will also provide stickers to be affixed to your containers indicating that the containers have been approved for recycled water use.

On subsequent visits, the attendant will check your identification and your fill station user card, and will verify that your container features the appropriate sticker. Stickers for additional containers may be obtained on subsequent visits.

Recycled water is available only to OMWD customers for their personal use at their property. OMWD customers with a valid fill station user card may assign a designee to fill up recycled water solely to be used at the customer’s property. The designee must follow the aforementioned procedures to obtain a fill station user card. Recycled water will not be provided for commercial uses.


The Residential Recycled Water Fill Station is located at Campania Avenue & Camino San Thomas in San Diego. Customers are asked to visit the fill station from eastbound Campania Avenue; left turns into the station from westbound Campania Avenue are not permitted. Directions from your location are available via the map below. No commercial vehicles or trailers longer than 15 feet are permitted to enter the fill station.


OMWD’s Residential Recycled Water Fill Station is currently not available.

Recycled Water Containers

Customers may transport recycled water using containers sized at a minimum of one gallon and a maximum of 300 gallons—customers bringing containers smaller than one gallon or larger than 300 gallons will be asked to return with the appropriate size. Containers must be leak-free and feature a water-tight lid.

There is no limit to the number of visits that a customer can make.

Please note that water is heavy! One gallon of water weighs over 8 pounds; 100 gallons weigh 835 pounds. When driving a vehicle with such a heavy weight, be sure to allow enough stopping distance. Ensure your vehicle can handle the amount of recycled water you collect and transport. Your containers must be secured for safe transport.

Before containers used for recycled water transport can be used for potable (drinking) water, they must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using 1 tablespoon of bleach per quart (32 fluid ounces) of water.

Do Not Connect to Irrigation Systems

For health and safety reasons, tanks, pumps, hoses, and other equipment containing recycled water must not be connected to a dedicated irrigation system, even if that system is disconnected from your drinking water system. We do not want you or your neighbors to end up drinking recycled water due to an illegal interconnection between the drinking water supply and recycled water supply. Any such connection violates the state’s drinking water regulations, OMWD’s Administrative and Ethics Code, and the terms of the User Application and Agreement. Violators may be subject to loss of fill station privileges, fines, and other penalties. Please contact us if you have questions about appropriate methods of storing and using recycled water.