
OMWD Wins Financial Reporting Excellence Award for Twenty-Second Consecutive Year

Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Finance Manager, Rainy Selamat, presented to OMWD’s Board of Directors at its May 17 meeting the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government […]

OMWD’s Village Park Recycled Water Project and Rancho Santa Fe Farms Road Realignment Project Receive Honors from American Public Works Association

The American Public Works Association’s San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter recognized OMWD’s Village Park Recycled Water Project and Rancho Santa Fe Farms Road Realignment Project with Honor Awards today at […]

Photographers Invited to Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve for Twelfth Annual Photo Contest

Olivenhain Municipal Water District and The Escondido Creek Conservancy invite amateur photographers of all ages to Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve for the twelfth annual amateur photography contest which begins on Earth […]

OMWD Encouraged by Governor Brown’s Repeal of Drought-Related State of Emergency

Encinitas, CA—On April 7, Governor Brown rescinded California’s drought-related state of emergency for most counties in light of improved hydrological conditions. Though putting an end to the declared emergency in our […]

OMWD to Be Recognized as “District of Distinction” and Awarded Transparency Certificate of Excellence

Olivenhain Municipal Water District staff notified the Board of Directors at its March 29 meeting that it will receive the “District of Distinction” accreditation by the Special District Leadership Foundation at […]

OMWD’s Budget Recognized for Sixteenth Consecutive Year by Government Finance Officers Association

At its February 15 meeting, Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Board of Director’s accepted the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its 2016-2017 fiscal year budget document from the Government Finance Officers Association […]

OMWD Customers Continue to Conserve without State Mandated Reduction Target

Final calculations of Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s 2016 water use shows an overall reduction of 15 percent when compared to 2013 usage, demonstrating how customers continued to make conservation a way […]

Larry Watt Returns to Past Position of President of OMWD

On Wednesday, Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s board director Larry Watt presided over his first meeting of 2017 as president. President Watt was sworn in with directors Edmund Sprague and Christy Guerin […]