OMWD Construction Projects

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OMWD has several active and upcoming projects in its service area. Updates and important announcements on OMWD’s larger capital improvement projects can be found on this page. If you have additional questions, please email our Engineering Department or call 760-632-4235.

Current and Upcoming Projects:


Encinitas Pressure Reducing Stations Replacement Project

Pressure reducing stations control the pressure at which water is delivered to customers. These stations are vital to provide the delivery of water at an appropriate pressure.

Two underground pressure reducing stations located off Mountain Vista Drive in Encinitas have reached the end of their useful life and are in need of replacement.

Construction will begin in spring 2025 and is anticipated to be complete in early 2026. Work will start on the Gardendale Road pressure reducing station. Once complete, work will move to Wandering Road. Work is anticipated to take place between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The City of Encinitas has required that Gardendale Road will be closed between Village Run and Mountain Vista Drive for the duration of work on the Gardendale Road pressure reducing station. Similarly, the city has required that Wandering Road will be closed between Linda Sue Lane and Mountain Vista Drive for the duration of work on the Wandering Road pressure reducing station.

OMWD does not anticipate any changes in the water pressure as a result of this project and will provide advance notification of any water service interruptions, if any are necessary.

OMWD is committed to providing reliable service to its customers, and projects such as this ensure the continuity of our service. If you have questions or comments about the project, please send them to, or call 760-632-4642.


map of pressure reducing stations project locations

Recycled Water Pipeline Extensions for Calle Barcelona, Village Park, and Summerhill Project

OMWD receives 100 percent of its drinking water supply from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Colorado River. These sources are distant from OMWD and have become unreliable due to droughts and overuse. Recycled water is locally produced, disinfected wastewater that is used for irrigation. Not only is it a drought-resilient supply, but recycled water also costs less than potable water. In addition, using recycled water reduces the amount of treated wastewater discharged to the ocean and reduces our dependence on imported water from faraway sources.

OMWD has identified opportunities to connect more customers to its recycled water distribution system. Construction will take place at three different sites in the cities of Encinitas and Carlsbad to install 5,600 feet of new recycled water pipelines. The completion of the pipeline extensions will result in the conversion of 28 water meters from potable to recycled water, saving more than 12.5 million gallons of imported drinking water every year.

Construction is underway with completion of the project expected in 2025. Due to the locations of the project, work is scheduled to take place Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Additionally, restricted work hours of 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Fridays, will be in effect for any work impacting schools in the immediate project areas. No impacts to customers’ drinking water supplies are anticipated. OMWD is coordinating with the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas on a traffic management plan to minimize construction traffic. For more information on how OMWD works to mitigate construction traffic, visit

One phase of the project is located in the area of Park Dale Lane, Village Park Way, Village Green Road, and Gatepost Road in the city of Encinitas.

map of recycled water pipeline locations in encinitas

Another phase of the project is located along Calle Barcelona and adjacent streets, from Rancho Santa Fe Road to Calle Acervo in the city of Carlsbad.

map of calle barcelona project phase

A third project location is on Summerhill Drive and Village Center Drive in the city of Encinitas.

map of summerhill drive area

Homeowner associations along the project alignments that are currently using potable water for landscape irrigation will be able to take advantage of this lower-cost, drought-resistant local source of irrigation water. OMWD was successful in achieving approximately $900,000 in grant funding to make this project cost-effective for ratepayers. Specifically, both the US Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources are contributing grant funds to offset project costs.

The recycled water supplied by OMWD undergoes the highest level of treatment for non-potable applications, which is referred to as disinfected tertiary treatment. Disinfected tertiary recycled water has been determined to be safe for applications with public exposure, such as irrigation of parks and schools, decorative fountains, or artificial snowmaking. While this recycled water is not intended for direct human consumption, it poses no threat to public health from accidental contact. 

For questions and comments, please email


Since pipes have a limited lifespan, OMWD invests in proactively repairing and replacing pipes throughout its service area, ensuring reliable water service to its customers. Many water agencies in California are tackling similar issues associated with aging infrastructure. View the video below to see how others in the water industry are also prioritizing pipe replacement.