Billing and Fees
Olivenhain Municipal Water District is committed to minimizing all of its operational costs while maintaining a high level of customer service.
OMWD customers receive billing statements on a monthly basis, and there are several payment options available.
Rates, Charges, and Billing Information
Water Rates
OMWD’s Board of Directors approved water rates and service charges effective January 1, 2025 at the November 6, 2024 board meeting.
Wastewater Service (Sewer) Rates
OMWD provides sewer collection and treatment services to 4S Ranch, Rancho Cielo, and a portion of the City of San Diego (Black Mountain Ranch East Cluster and Santaluz). Wastewater service charges are collected on each property owner’s tax bill on an annual basis. Wastewater service bills are due and payable in April and December of each year, at the same time that a property owner’s tax bill is due to the San Diego County Tax Assessor’s Office.
Wastewater service for other OMWD water customers may be provided by City of Escondido, Encina Wastewater Authority, Fairbanks Ranch Community Services District, Leucadia Wastewater District, Rancho Santa Fe CSD, San Elijo Joint Powers Authority, or Whispering Palms CSD.
Water Capacity Fees
This is a one-time connection fee paid by developers to OMWD in order to connect to our water system. These fees are used to fund necessary capital expansion, replacement, and betterment projects.
Agricultural Water Program
This program was established by OMWD more than 35 years ago to support and promote the agricultural producers in OMWD’s service area. The agricultural water rate is available only to those who meet minimum program criteria:
- Agricultural customers must grow or raise, for commercial purposes, products of an agricultural, horticultural, or floricultural nature. To verify that eligibility, customers must be included on one of the following four lists that are maintained by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board or the County of San Diego: 1) General Agricultural Orders Enrollment List; 2) Growers List; 3) Active Certified Producers List; or 4) Organic Producers List.
- Have proof of an approved backflow prevention device and current test results, or a completed cross connection questionnaire if there is currently not a backflow device on the property. For more information, please visit our backflow page.
Delinquent Accounts
Payments not received by the close of business on the tenth business day following the payment due date for balances exceeding $25.00 will be considered delinquent and will be subject to a 10% delinquent penalty. At least 15 days prior to discontinuance of service due to non-payment of water bills, OMWD will mail delinquent notices to customers with past due balances of greater than $25.00.
Shut-Off Notices
Customers with unpaid balances 35 business days past the due date will receive a disconnection notice and will be assessed a fee. OMWD customer service representatives will attempt to contact all delinquent customers within 24 hours of scheduled water service shut-offs. The annual number of discontinuations of residential service for inability to pay in 2024 was 58. The fee for re-establishment of service is $155 during normal hours and $265 outside normal hours for customers that have not demonstrated to the District that household income is below 200 percent of the federal poverty line. The fee for re-establishment of service is $57 during normal hours and $137 outside normal hours for customers that have demonstrated to the District that household income is below 200 percent of the federal poverty line. Normal work hours, for the purposes of this section, are defined as 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Moving/ Vacation
Customers planning to relocate from their current residence should contact OMWD to close their accounts at least three days prior to moving. Customers are responsible for their accounts until OMWD is officially notified. Customers planning extended vacations may pay their water bills in advance to avoid late fees and possible water service shut-offs.