4S Ranch Water Reclamation Facility Earns Plant of the Year Recognition
Recycled water produced at the facility is an affordable, sustainable water supply
Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors accepted at its May 19 meeting California Water Environment Association San Diego section’s 2020 Plant of the Year Award for its 4S Ranch Water Reclamation Facility. The Plant of the Year award acknowledges OMWD’s accomplishments in compliance, innovative practices, and cost-effectiveness.
“Our board is thrilled that 4S WRF has been recognized for industry-leading procedures and techniques to produce high-quality recycled water, increase water reliability, and operate safely, effectively, and economically,” said OMWD Vice President Kristie Bruce-Lane. “We need to focus on keeping water affordable and accessible to everyone. Diversifying California’s water portfolio by investing more in recycled water is a critical strategy in doing so, now and for our future generations.”
OMWD’s 4S WRF can produce up to two million gallons of recycled water each day. This alternative water supply is used for irrigation purposes at schools, parks, golf courses, streetscapes, and homeowner association common areas in the southeastern portion of OMWD’s service area.
Vice President Bruce-Lane added: “We appreciate the work of CWEA to advocate for realistic regulatory requirements for water agencies, helping us to maintain affordable rates for our ratepayers. The way to move forward is by working together to create a thriving California that has enough fresh, clean and affordable water for people, food, and the environment alike.”
4S WRF operators inspect and maintain over 85 miles of sewer collection system pipelines, as well as equipment at the facility, lift stations, a 410-acre-foot storage pond, and a one-million-gallon reservoir. Proactive maintenance is also a priority, helping to avoid costly emergency repairs and ensuring continued wastewater and recycled water services for customers.
This is the second time in three years OMWD has won the San Diego section award. In 2019, 4S WRF was also named California’s “Plant of the Year” by CWEA’s state office.
Founded in 1927, the California Water Environment Association is a not-for-profit association of 9,000-plus professionals in the wastewater industry. The association trains and certifies wastewater professionals, disseminates technical information, and promotes sound policies to benefit society through protection and enhancement of our water environment. For more information, visit

4S Ranch Water Reclamation Facility produces up to two million gallons of recycled water daily