
Encinitas Landscape Transformation Project Wins Local Contest

Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors honored at its July 14 meeting Ken and Susan Terzes as the winner of OMWD’s 2021 WaterSmart Landscape Contest.

The colorful winning design features a variety of lush, water-efficient plants surrounding a Cercis or “Forest Pansy Redbud” tree, which will become drought-tolerant once established. The landscape utilizes drip irrigation and wood chips for mulch, further reducing outdoor water use.

“Irrigating our landscapes comprises the majority of residential water use in the region, and low-water-use landscape design is of utmost importance,” stated OMWD Board Treasurer Christy Guerin. “This beautiful landscape transformation will serve as an inspiration to others in the community to create their own water-efficient gardens.”

The WaterSmart Landscape Contest is held annually by water agencies throughout San Diego County to showcase attractive landscapes that use less water than conventional turf-heavy landscapes. Winning entries exhibit excellence in curb appeal, climate-appropriate plant selection, design, efficient irrigation, and environmental considerations.

Photos of the Terzeses’ landscape, as well as winners from throughout the county, are available at


2021 winning landscape