
Governor Extends Drought Emergency to San Diego County and Encourages Voluntary Conservation; Olivenhain Municipal Water District Remains at Level 1 of Its Water Shortage Contingency Plan

Encinitas, CA—In an October 19 proclamation, Governor Newsom extended to Southern California the drought-related State of Emergency that had been declared earlier in the year for other areas of the state. The emergency declaration directed water agencies throughout the state to activate their Water Shortage Contingency Plans to preserve water supplies.

Olivenhain Municipal Water District had already activated Level 1 of its Water Shortage Contingency Plan in 2016. At the Level 1 condition, customers are encouraged to take voluntary actions to reduce water waste, such as promptly fixing leaks, stopping runoff from inefficient irrigation, irrigating only during night and early morning hours, and avoiding washing down paved surfaces.

“Now, more than ever, it’s important to be mindful of how we are using our water,” said OMWD Board Secretary Bob Topolovac. “Actions like ensuring your sprinklers are properly aligned and raised high enough to water the plants, and not the sidewalk, go a long way in preventing waste and conserving water.”

For more information and for ways to save water, OMWD customers are encouraged to visit