
OMWD Announces New Hours for Recycled Water Fill Station

Olivenhain Municipal Water District has announced new hours for its Recycled Water Fill Station, the first of its kind in San Diego County. The station, which initially opened in July, will now be open on Wednesday and Friday from noon to 4 p.m., and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. By opening the station on Saturdays, OMWD hopes to create greater opportunity for customers to use the station.

Ed Sprague, President of OMWD’s Board of Directors, said, “This unique facility allows our customers the opportunity to save on their water bill by utilizing free recycled water, rather than using imported water.”

The facility allows OMWD customers the opportunity to utilize recycled water for landscape irrigation on their property. The water provided is free to any OMWD residential customer. Recycled water is an alternate supply of water that aids in conservation efforts, and ultimately saves customers money.

The fill station was established in part to help OMWD comply with mandatory water restrictions ordered by the governor this past spring. The station is located at Campania Avenue and Camino San Thomas in San Diego.