
OMWD Board of Directors Moves Village Park Recycled Water Project Forward

During its August 13 meeting, Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors certified the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Village Park Recycled Water Project. The certification is a critical step toward the project’s compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other environmental requirements.

OMWD will file a Notice of Determination with San Diego County on August 14, satisfying another requirement of the project’s environmental review process.

The Village Park Recycled Water Project will deliver recycled water through over seven miles of pipeline throughout Encinitas’ Village Park neighborhood, ultimately offsetting up to 350 acre-feet per year of potable water use. Construction is expected to begin in early 2015.

“Providing recycled water to Village Park for irrigation purposes diversifies our water supply and reduces our reliance on imported water,” explained Board President Larry Watt. “Recycled water is also exempt from the mandatory irrigation restrictions associated with the Level 2 Water Supply Shortage, so the HOAs and schools in Village Park that make the switch to recycled water will be able to water their landscaping even if we continue to experience drought conditions.”

The Village Park Recycled Water Project is a critical component of OMWD’s effort to diversify the district’s water supplies, which will reduce reliance on imported water—a mission that grows increasingly critical as the drought emergency throughout our state worsens.

During the initial public comment period for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, OMWD received seven comments, none of which offered opposition to the project or the CEQA findings.

Following the 30-day period during which the general public may raise concerns with the environmental documents, the environmental review process will be complete.

Participation in the CEQA review process has been only part of OMWD’s effort to ensure the feasibility and success of the Village Park Recycled Water Project. OMWD staff has been meeting and communicating with various stakeholders such as homeowners associations and community groups to educate and gather feedback regarding the project.