
OMWD Board Welcomes Ebin Lanfried as its Newest Member

Board also selects Scott Maloni as new treasurer

Today, Ebin Lanfried was sworn in as Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s newest board member. He was selected by the board at its March 19 meeting to represent Division 1 of OMWD’s service area. The appointment of Mr. Lanfried fills the seat vacated by former director Marco San Antonio, who resigned from OMWD on January 24 to serve on Encinitas City Council.

“As an advocate for responsible water management, I am eager to contribute my expertise in water treatment, infrastructure planning, and conservation to Olivenhain Municipal Water District,” said Mr. Lanfried.

A longtime resident of San Diego County, he has resided in the Elfin Forest community since 2020. He is a volunteer and advisor with Escondido Creek Conservancy, which collaborates with OMWD on educational programs, conservation efforts, and events at Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve.

Mr. Lanfried’s professional experience includes management of capital projects, new construction, renovations, and business process implementation. Mr. Lanfried holds a bachelor’s of science from the University of California San Diego, and a master’s of business administration degree from San Diego State University.

Mr. Lanfried was one of four applicants interviewed by the board for the Division 1 director position. Division 1 includes portions of Encinitas, Elfin Forest, Harmony Grove, Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Cielo, 4S Ranch, and Fairbanks Ranch. He will serve out the remaining term for the Division 1 seat, which ends December 4, 2026. His first meeting as a board member will be April 16, 2025.

At the March 19 meeting, the board also selected Director Scott Maloni to assume the role of Board Treasurer. The office was previously held by former director San Antonio. Mr. Maloni, a water industry executive with more than 25 years of experience, was elected to the Board of Directors in 2024 to represent Division 2.