OMWD’s 4S Ranch Water Reclamation Facility Earns “Plant of the Year” Recognition
Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors accepted at its February 19 meeting California Water Environment Association San Diego Section’s 2024 Plant of the Year Award for the 4S Ranch Water Reclamation Facility. The award acknowledges the facility’s innovation, regulatory compliance, and cost-effective operations.
“Our operators work hard seven days a week to ensure that our wastewater treatment facility functions at the highest level while providing quality service to the communities we serve,” said OMWD President Matthew R. Hahn. “Our board is proud to have our facility recognized by CWEA for the second time in three years.”
OMWD serves up to 15 percent of its overall demand from recycled water. 4S WRF can produce up to two million gallons of recycled water each day, reducing the use of drinking water for the irrigation of golf courses, parks, schools, streetscapes, and homeowner association common areas.
Innovative practices at 4S WRF over the past several years include the installation of a more efficient ultraviolet disinfection system to obtain higher water quality and energy savings. 4S WRF also installed monitoring equipment that makes immediate adjustments in the treatment process, keeping the facility in regulatory compliance while reducing treatment costs. Employee training and development at the plant has resulted in continual improvement of operations.
OMWD’s 4S WRF will now compete for California Plant-of-the-Year honors in CWEA’s statewide competition.
Founded in 1928, the California Water Environment Association is a not-for-profit association of 10,000-plus professionals in the wastewater industry. The association trains and certifies wastewater professionals, disseminates technical information, and promotes safe and effective work practices.