OMWD’s Village Park Recycled Water Project and Rancho Santa Fe Farms Road Realignment Project Receive Honors from American Public Works Association
The American Public Works Association’s San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter recognized OMWD’s Village Park Recycled Water Project and Rancho Santa Fe Farms Road Realignment Project with Honor Awards today at an annual celebration in San Diego. This awards program acknowledges the best public works projects and professionals in San Diego and Imperial Counties, and 2017 is the sixth consecutive year APWA has lauded OMWD projects.
“Having OMWD projects recognized by our peers in the public works community is extremely rewarding,” said Lawrence Watt, OMWD’s Board President. “These awards commemorate the tremendous efforts by our board and staff to provide reliable, high-quality deliveries of potable and recycled water to customers.”
With the completion of the Village Park Recycled Water Project, OMWD can now serve up to 114 million gallons of recycled water annually to Encinitas customers for outdoor irrigation rather than utilizing expensive, imported potable water. The project included the conversion of a one million gallon reservoir from potable water storage to recycled water storage, the installation of a pump station in a local shopping center, and the construction of seven miles of pipeline under Encinitas streets and easements.
To improve safety conditions and address road improvements required by the developer of a new subdivision, the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment Project required changes to existing road topography and the widening of Rancho Santa Fe Farms Road. OMWD coordinated with other public agencies, the developer, and residents on the project to devise a plan to lower an existing low-pressure water line while maintaining domestic and fire protection water service to all customers in the surrounding area. Completed on time and within budget, the project improved resident safety through smoother roads and increased line of sight.
APWA’s San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter is one of APWA’s 63 North American chapters serving professionals in all aspects of public works.

OMWD Staff, Consultants, and Contractors Accepted an APWA Honor Award for OMWD’s Village Park Recycled Water Project