San Dieguito Valley Brackish Groundwater Desalination Hydrogeologic Investigation Project

About the Study
Project Importance
Chronological Timeline
Project Objectives
Title VI Civil Rights Act Compliance Program
For More Information



About the Study

OMWD is studying the possibility of developing a local water supply by desalinating groundwater in the San Dieguito Valley. Initial studies have yielded positive results, and further studies are intended to inform the decision to potentially move forward with preliminary design and an environmental impact report.

Why is this project important?

Olivenhain Municipal Water District receives 100 percent of its potable water supply from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and the Colorado River. These sources are distant from OMWD and face regulatory, drought, and climatic challenges that are fundamentally altering immediate and long-term water supply reliability. The effects of climate change and drought must be addressed through innovative technology and solutions.

For these reasons, OMWD seeks to diversify its water supply portfolio by developing supplies that are locally controlled, reliable, and cost-competitive. The San Dieguito Valley Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project creates a new, drought-proof water supply for the San Diego region that would also provide emergency water supplies should the delivery of water be disrupted or impacted due to earthquakes or other natural disasters. Given the rapidly escalating wholesale cost of imported water, investment in this project will ultimately result in lower per-unit costs of water versus the status quo, which makes this project a financially sensible investment.

Further, this project supports environmental justice by reducing OMWD’s demands on the State Water Project and the Colorado River. As a result, this increases water availability for the diverse populations in multiple states and tribes that rely on these finite resources.

Since 2007, OMWD has actively pursued brackish groundwater desalination in the San Elijo and San Dieguito Valleys through phased efforts, each building on the last.

Below is a chronological overview of key developments that began in the San Elijo Valley and have led to the San Dieguito Valley Brackish Groundwater Desalination Hydrogeologic Investigation Project.

Chronological Timeline


OMWD initiated efforts to identify local, sustainable water sources, including brackish groundwater desalination, to diversify its water portfolio.


In collaboration with the US Geological Survey, OMWD installed a groundwater research and monitoring well near San Elijo Lagoon to assess the basin’s storage capacity and sustainable yield. While results were favorable, an investigation of San Dieguito Valley basin was warranted for assessments.

OMWD received $150,000 in grant funding from USBR via its “WaterSMART: Development of Feasibility Studies Under the Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Program” which was used towards the feasibility study.


OMWD received a $250,000 grant from California Department of Water Resources under the Water Desalination Grants Program Round 3 to conduct a feasibility study for brackish groundwater desalination in the San Dieguito Valley.


A San Dieguito Valley Brackish Groundwater Desalination feasibility study was conducted which examined groundwater availability, water quality, treatment options, and cost estimates.

Hosted a community meeting providing a project update.


OMWD’s Board of Directors adopted a mitigated negative declaration as part of the environmental review process for the potential project.

OMWD received a $650,000 grant from Department of Water Resources Water Desalination Grants Program Round 4 to support the design and construction of a test well and field testing of treatment technologies for the San Dieguito Valley Groundwater Desalination Design Pilot.


Hosted a community meeting to discuss a test well in San Dieguito Valley.


The one-year pump test was conducted, providing data that confirmed the feasibility study results and indicated the basin could support a potable water supply.


OMWD held a community meeting to present the findings of the pump test, which showed positive indications regarding the basin’s capacity to support a potable water supply.


OMWD’s Board of Directors approved funding for ongoing hydrogeologic and water rights investigations, partnership explorations, alternative studies, environmental strategy support, and preliminary design work, with efforts expected to continue through 2024.


OMWD was notified that the San Dieguito Valley Brackish Groundwater Desalination Hydrogeologic Investigation Project was selected and named in the FY 2024 congressionally directed Community Project Funding grant program (page 53), for $959,752, brought forward by the office of Congressman Scott Peters.

What are the objectives of this phase of the project?

The San Dieguito Valley Brackish Groundwater Desalination Hydrogeologic Investigation Project will construct a new test well and conduct a pumping test at an existing well site to refine hydrogeologic modeling and treatment design criteria before the construction of a full-scale groundwater desalination project within the San Dieguito Valley Groundwater Basin. Results will confirm the feasibility and technical approach to increasing potable water supplies using brackish groundwater. The new test well and existing well pumping test will increase OMWD’s knowledge base regarding groundwater availability and production capacity of the San Dieguito Valley Brackish Groundwater Basin.

What are the costs of this phase of the project?

80 percent of the project costs will be paid for through the congressionally directed Community Project Funding grant program administered through the Environmental Protection Agency. The other 20 percent of the project costs will be paid through OMWD capital improvement funds.

OMWD has anticipated this cost in its long-term financial planning.

Title VI Civil Rights Act Compliance Program

OMWD does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment, access to, or operation of its programs, services, or activities, and also maintains a Title VI Compliance program and Title VI Grievance Procedures. For information on the Olivenhain Municipal Water District civil rights program and procedures to file a complaint, contact:

Jennifer Joslin, Title VI Coordinator
Olivenhain Municipal Water District
1966 Olivenhain Road
Encinitas, CA 92024

Jennifer Joslin, Coordinador del Título VI
Olivenhain Municipal Water District
1966 Olivenhain Road
Encinitas, CA 92024
Correo electrónico:

For More Information

For more information about the study or the potential project, please contact Joey Randall, OMWD Assistant General Manager, at 760-753-6466.

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